New Generation Spray Foam Insulation

Attic insulation (also known as polyurethane foam or SPF) is a building material that can be applied to the roof tiles of new construction, concrete slabs and wall cavities. It is made from two components, isocyanate and polyol resin, which come together at the tip of a gun and expand to fill gaps and crevices in the building envelope.

The powerful sealing properties of spray foam insulation restrict air infiltration, thereby helping to make homes and metal buildings much more energy efficient. This translates into significantly lower utility bills. Using less energy to heat and cool a house will also help to protect the environment by reducing emissions that contribute to climate change.

The Benefits of Spray Foam Insulation for Historic Homes and Buildings

Another advantage of SPF is that the airtight seal it creates makes it impossible for moisture or pollutants to find their way inside a house or building. This improves indoor air quality and reduces health risks. Additionally, it helps keep HVAC air filters from becoming clogged with dust, pollen, and other contaminants, which will extend their lifespans.

However, it’s important to remember that even after expert SPF installation, a home or metal building with SPF should be fitted with an enhanced ventilation system known as energy recovery ventilation or heat recovery ventilation (ERV / HRV). These systems will help to maintain proper airflow and prevent any buildup of humidity or pollutants within the building. If not addressed, these issues can lead to significant financial and health-related burdens down the line.

New Generation Spray Foam
200 Chesterton Dr, Athens, GA 30607

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